In this article, we compare the following communication frameworks:
- gRPC
- RSocket
- Apache Dubbo

Background: Why compare these frameworks?
I am working on a use case where a service (say client) needs to synchronously communicate with another service (say server), also this client communicates very frequently with the server
I started looking at some of the popularly used communication frameworks, and wanted to make a comparison of these frameworks to select the best framework that meet the needs of this use case
Following are some of the criteria for the framework to support this use case
- Offers better performance
- Supports load balancing
- Provides API in Java
- Should have less dependencies
- Maturity of the API: better documentation, library maturity, maintainability are few other aspects that I wanted to consider
A quick introduction to these frameworks/protocols are given below, you can find further details on these topics in the references section.
RESTful API is an application programming interface that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services.
In this article, we use Spring RestTemplate on the client side and Spring RestController on the server side for comparison.
gRPC is a modern open source high performance Remote Procedure Call framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centres with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking and authentication
RSocket is a binary protocol for use on byte stream transports such as TCP, WebSockets, and Aeron.
RSocket provides a protocol for Reactive Streams semantics between client-server, and server-server communication.
In this article, we use RSocket with TCP for comparison.
Apache Dubbo
Apache Dubbo is a high-performance, java based open source RPC framework.
We used the following serialization formats for comparison in this article, which can provide a little insights into performance of these serialization formats
- Protobuf
- Dubbo/Hessian
Since gRPC uses Protobuf serialization format by default, to make a fair comparison of these frameworks, I have used Protobuf serialization with other communication protocol/frameworks such as RSocket & RESTful API.
Protocol buffers are Google’s language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data — it is smaller, faster, and simpler
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write
Hessian 2.0 provides cross-language binary object serialization with efficiencies better than serialization
All the examples in this article are written in Java
- Some of these frameworks provide APIs in other languages.
- In this article, we use only synchronous request/response style of communication for comparison.
- Other communication styles (non-blocking/streaming/reactive etc.) are supported by some of these frameworks, which shall be compared in a future article.
- JSON & Protobuf serialization support were added to the test application APIs (wherever feasible)
Test application
To compare these frameworks, I had developed chat-app a simple client and server application (as the communication is very frequent)
The chat-app consists of two modules chat-server and chat-client
- provides API to create/update/find/remove a message
- provides the above API implementations using RSocket, gRPC, Apache Dubbo & RESTful frameworks
- a message is a simple text with an identifier and creation timestamp
- stores the messages in memory (using a ConcurrentHashMap)
- invokes server side APIs using one of the client side implementation using RSocket, gRPC, Apache Dubbo, RESTful API
The chat-client application sends a series of individual CRUD instructions (create, update, find, delete) to the server for measuring the performance of these operations
The chat-app code used in this article is available in the following location
A sample code snippets for client and server are shown below
Note: There are four client and server implementations available, here we show snippets only for two of them
chat-client code snippet
A snippet of code for RSocket client is shown below
public Message create(Message message) {
Mono<Message> messageMono = rSocketRequester
return messageMono.block();
public boolean update(Long id, Message message) {
Mono<Status> resultMono = rSocketRequester
return resultMono.block().isSuccess();
public Optional<Message> findById(Long id) {
Mono<Message> messageMono = rSocketRequester
return messageMono.blockOptional();
public boolean remove(Long id) {
Mono<Status> resultMono = rSocketRequester
return resultMono.block().isSuccess();
chat-server code snippet
A snippet of code for gRPC server is shown below
public void create(Message request, StreamObserver<Message> responseObserver) {
var message = messageService.create(request);
public void update(Message request, StreamObserver<Status> responseObserver) {
var status = messageService.update(request);
public void findById(MessageID request, StreamObserver<Message> responseObserver) {
var message = messageService.findById(request);
public void removeById(MessageID request, StreamObserver<Status> responseObserver) {
var status = messageService.remove(request);
Test environment
- OS: Windows 10
- Language: Java 11
- Memory: 32 GB RAM
- Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7–8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz
In the test setup, both the client and server were run from the same machine
Performance test
We measured the total time taken for running 100k operations i,e. each CRUD operation was executed for 25k times
Following table shows the total time taken in milliseconds for executing 100,000 operations.

Note: These test results were taken from the clients, written using default (out of box) configuration
You can clearly notice an anomaly in the results for RestTemplate (RESTful API Client).
I noticed that POST calls with Spring RestTemplate (using default configuration) are very slow and takes ~92% of the total time, while GET, PUT & DELETE operations work normally.
I re-tested the Spring RestTemplate (RESTful client) with a custom Request Factory and the results were normal

Which one did we pick?
- We decided to use RESTful clients for communication and there are couple of reasons for this decision
- (1) Performance of Spring RestTemplate is not far behind from RSocket’s performance.
- (2) We did not want to introduce additional dependencies to our existing server application
- RSocket has the best performance when compared with other frameworks used in this article
- New projects that require frequent communication can take a look at RSocket or gRPC
- gRPC has better documentation and works very well out of the box
- Protobuf offers slightly better performance over JSON
- HTTP POST calls with Spring rest templates are slow when used with default configuration